Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Class of 2013!

Hi Friends! My mom and aunt just returned from WPPI-U!  Yes, that means that I stayed with my aunt for three whole days.  I get whatever I want...whenever I want!  I tell my Aunt Kristy what to do all the time and she just listens!  We went to my store, went to my park, and rode in my Aunt Leann's car! 

Lucky for Taylor today, she got some crazy new ideas from my employees.  My mom explained to me that she was close to NYC (yah, the BIG APPLE) with some really cool photographers...NINE to be exact.  They work everywhere around the USA~She and Aunt Renee studied with them for 2 whole days.  What a cool opportunity.  I wish that I could have presented there.  All those photographers could all learn something from me, the Eskie. 

So, although my mom and aunt were having a blast with Taylor, I just needed to help, so I jumped into the shoot.  What cool images.  Taylor wore the coolest shoes.  I wonder Ta, do you think that they make those boots in my size?  Do they come in a set of four?  I really thought that her hair was pretty, wonder if we use the same products? 

Class of's your time!  Mention Izzy's Blog and recieve a FREE 8x10 with your senior session.  Here's the deal.  My birthday is in August...I scratch your back and you scratch mine. ( I expect cards!)

Mom, get a little light on me!

Taylor got a little shower during this part of the photo shoot!

You are sooooooooo pretty Taylor.  I LOVE this pic.

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