Saturday, July 23, 2011

Barrel of Fun

I got to sleep in today!  My mom let me sleep late, but as soon as she saw that my eyes were open, she took me out to potty in the heat.  Yah Right! Who wants to have to go outside in the 95 degree weather to potty.  I did my stuff as quickly as I could and was back in the door before my mom could blink an eye.  Then it happened-I got a bath!  I love getting scrubbed with baby shampoo.  It makes me smell so pretty...I love to prance around my neighborhood showing off to the boys after my bath.  It makes Koda, Oakly, and Gunner so jealous.  I see them sneaking peaks out their windows as I trot around.

I was excited to go to work today and show Aunt Renee my new look.  I put my flamingo collar on just to show off.  I heard some action while I was in with Aunt Renee and I was so excited to meet my new friend Alexis.  She and her mom and cousin fed me treats and I got to watch her get her photos taken.  I let Alexis borrow my buggy today so that she didn't get too hot!  I was a little sad watching out the door...I wanted to help, but it was too hot for an eskie outside today.  She had some really cool poses in by the pool and I just wanted to help.  Here are some of the pics from today that I liked...

I was so excited when we left the studio and headed home...I should have guessed that the crazies merely went on a dinner break!  Later, my mom and my aunt returned to the studio for ROUND 2.  They filled more frames and ran the monster some more.  I just now have some peace and quiet...My paws are tired from my day, I need to go and rest them in bed.  No more typing!  I actually think I get tomorrow mom mentioned a bridal shower for Auntie Val.  YEAH!  I'll be dreaming of new things to do at TeaRose until I get my paws there again. (Knowing my mom, it will be tomorrow after the shower)  Good Night, my peeps. 

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